What are peptides?

Kambo contains a complex cocktail of bioactive peptides.

Peptides are short chains of amino acids linked by peptide bonds, which act as signaling molecules in the body, influencing a wide range of physiological functions.

They play key roles in regulating activities such as hormone production, immune responses, and cell signaling. As we age, our peptides begin to wane and our systems get "sluggish."

 By introducing a synergistic dose of bioactive Kambo peptides via the lymphatic system - the body is "reset" and reminded of how to achieve homeostasis.  

Many clients report a significant boost in energy after undergoing a Kambo treatment. This invigorating effect is believed to be due to the peptides optimizing the body's cellular processes, clearing out toxins, and enhancing the circulatory system. 
Other physical benefits may include...
Pain Management
Dermorphin: This peptide has a potent analgesic effect, reportedly up to 30–40 times stronger than morphine but without the addiction potential and other adverse effects.
 Immune System Support
Deltorphin: This peptide is also known for its powerful immune-boosting properties, supporting the body's natural defense mechanisms.
Antimicrobial Support
Dermaseptins & Phyllokinin: These groups of peptides have shown antimicrobial activity against many microbes, including bacteria, viruses, yeast, and fungi. 
Digestive Support
Bombesins: These peptides stimulate the smooth muscle of your stomach and increase the amount of digestive juices made by your pancreas as well as affecting how the muscles in your intestines move.