Anxiety is created by a future projection of your thoughts.
We often tend to think of future scenarios and how things are going to play out, analysing every situation. This will often lead to anxiety and worry.
Replaying something in your head usually is worse than the actual scenario itself. If something bad is going to happen, why live it a hundred times first? Just live it once instead when you catch the thought arise.
This creates unnecessary stress on yourself. Just observe the thought and do not attach any meaning to it. Allow it to pass and let it go.
Thoughts are just thoughts, they can not harm you unless you give it an emotional charge, such as anxiety, stress or worry. Become the observer of your thoughts but don't allow them to take over your life and how you feel.
Consciously think positive thoughts and use affirmations. Do things that make you feel good. Invite gratitude and positivity in everything you do. When you feel good, you natrually think good thoughts. The mind and body are connected.
A very key tool to use is Presence. Anchor yourself in the present moment, not the past, not the future, but right here, right now. Presence is very powerful once you practice it regularly, it's very easy for the mind to go on autopilot and think about the past or future unconsciously but when you snap yourself out of unconscious thinking and become more present and aware, your life will become more grounded and easier for you.
For an example, you're thinking about some type of danger whilst your walking home at night, it creates unease and anxiety, your projecting the future and potential scenarios but right in the moment, nothing has happened, you're okay. It's just like every regular walk out you're usually on. Let go of the thought and put yourself in the present moment, not the future. If something did happen deal with it when it actually happens, rather than creating unnecessary stress upon yourself.
Observation, presence, non-attacment to thought and letting go is key.
Remember, you are not your thoughts.
I also recommend reading "The Power of Now" by Echart Tollle, life changing book!🙏