Choose love in every situation.
Love is the most powerful force in this universe. Love can set you free. Love is what we are.
In our natural state, love is who we are. It's where we come from.
No matter in what circumstance, always choose love. Choose love over fear, hate, guilt, envy, shame, malice, revenge and any lower negative emotion. When you choose your heart, you will never go wrong. Allow your heart to lead the way, this is who we really are, not the mind and our thoughts.
When you see a new born baby, you can see the unconditional love they radiate. The purity within their eyes. This is because where our souls come from before Incarnating into physical form, is pure love and light. Then as we grow older, we forget this. We get conditioned by society.
Love is a language, it's a language we all speak. We don't need words to communicate with love. No matter what race, religion, background or if your are a good or bad person. Love is universal. If you give love, it's something everyone will recognise.
Love is euphoric, liberating, trancending and powerful.
I've had personally had my heartbroken and love can also be painful, but I use that pain to sink deeper into the heart, it teaches me to love more and the pain only points me to my heart so I don't lose touch with it. I'd rather feel something than nothing at all. Pain will only make you grow.
Don't let your heart lose its fire, always keep connecting back with it no matter what you've been though. Don't let people, the world and your circumstances harden your heart because you'll lose touch with who you really are and become someone you are not. Open your heart and always bring conscious awareness to it. Remember, YOU are love and loved.
"The power of the heart is to be connected with who you are at the deepest level. The power of the heart is the power of life itself, the power of the very intelligence that pavades the underlines the entire universe." - Eckhart Tolle
God is not up there in the sky, but it's actually in your heart. The source of creation is within. The universe was created from the purest unconditional love there is. This is where we was created!✨